
Friday 30 June 2017

Tiny spiky pink flower covered in raindrops

This is a weed growing amongst the plants in my flower beds - I've no idea what it is. I'll be pulling it out with the dandelions etc when it finally stops raining, but in the mean time it looks brilliant covered in tiny raindrops!

I've posted 2 versions of the photo here for you to decide which you like best - the only difference is the depth of field.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 200; 1/10s at f/16 / 1/80s at f/6.3; 90mm; tripod & cable release.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Raindrop on a Sedum leaf

I took this one today in my garden. It had been raining all morning and the Sedum plant is great at catching and holding onto raindrops.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 200, f/8, 1/100s, 35mm, hand held.

Monday 26 June 2017

Wilting gerbera

One of my favourite things to photograph - a wilting flower. I'd cut this stem from a plant on my window sill and was about to throw it away when I noticed how lovely the curling petals were, particularly when viewed from beneath.

I reduced clarity and vibrance in Lightroom to give the image a softer feel.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 400, f/5, 1/40s, 35mm, hand held.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Tree framed by shadows on Great Whernside

I took this one towards the start of a walk up Great Whernside from Kettlewell in April this year. It was a windy day, with the clouds being blown across the sun, creating shadows across the hillside. I liked how, at this moment, they seemed to frame the tree against the sunlit background.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 100, f/6.3, 1/250s, 35mm, hand held.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Red peony bud covered in raindrops

I took this photo in my garden just after a heavy rain shower about a week ago. There were also lots of flowers in full bloom which, due to their size, ended up weighed down to the ground by raindrops. I cut all the flowers and put them in vases inside, just leaving the new buds behind.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 400, f/11, 1/80s, 90mm, hand held.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Lone sailboat on Derwentwater

I took this from one of the Derwentwater launches, as we crossed the lake in August last year. I love how the lake looks on dark, cloudy days. The mountain in the background is Skiddaw, usually standing out in bright green and purples at that time of year, but dark and shadowy on this particular afternoon.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 100, f/11, 1/320s, -1step exp bias, 20mm, hand held.