
Tuesday 10 November 2015

Distant crows amongst bare trees

I'm sure this picture isn't going to be everyone's 'cup of tea' but there's something about the textures and mood that I really like. I took it in February this year, in woodland above Jerusalem Farm in the Luddenden valley. I was drawn to the silhouette of the bird perched on the post and watched it, expecting it to fly off. When it stayed still for so long I decided to try to get a picture of it and, as I did, the other one flew into the scene.

I was shooting landscapes so had a wide angle lens and was unable to zoom in any further, but I like the fact that the surroundings are there for context and that this represents my actual view from a distance.

Camera/lens settings: ISO 200, f/11, 1/100s, 55mm.


  1. Hello Andrea, again, but now here. I was reading your comment and than I try to think the same and I think (know, but that's arrogant)the 2 trees left and the 2 trees right are standing in the power lines. Do you know these lines? 2 lines vertical and 2 horizontal in exact the same distances so you have exactly 9 squares from the same form and size.
    You can look left from the 4 trees and right. But try it and you see that your eys are always are forced to look at the top of the 3 behind the barbwire.. Your eye's are always going to the center and when the sys's are always doing that, then you have a strong picture. Hope you understand that

  2. Mistake. there is the "top of the 3" but it must be the tree in the middle. Regards, peter

    1. Hi Peter, sorry but I've only just seen your comments. Thank you - and yes, I understand.
